Venous Insufficiency

Your veins are responsible for carrying blood back to the heart after traveling throughout the body. However, there are times when your veins are not able to carry out this responsibility. This occurrence is known as venous insufficiency and leads to blood pooling/flowing backward in certain parts of the body. If you believe you are dealing with this situation, be sure to contact our team right away.

Signs To Watch For  

Being able to recognize you are dealing with venous insufficiency right away will allow you to seek out treatment promptly. Doing so can prevent venous insufficiency from severely dampening your quality of life. If you begin to display the below symptoms, you may be dealing with venous insufficiency:

  • Excessive swelling in your legs or ankles.
  • Cramps in your legs.
  • Aching, throbbing, or feelings of heaviness in your limbs.
  • Development of varicose veins.
  • Changes to the color of your skin.

Improving Your Condition  

Fortunately for our patients, venous insufficiency can be managed and treated. At times, making a few simple changes to your lifestyle will be enough to correct the issue at hand. For others, medical intervention may be needed to restore their quality of life. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, any other the below may be used to better your condition:

  • Increase the amount of time you spend exercising.
  • Wear compression stockings to keep blood from pooling in your legs.
  • Using prescribed medications such as diuretics, anticoagulants, and pentoxifylline.
  • Operations to repair problematic veins.  

Get rid of Varicose Veins today! Get in touch with us.